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10 Times People Improved Our Lives By Thinking Outside the Box

The majority of people look at the world and think it’s pretty good – or at least manageable – the way that it is. We’re busy, we’re lazy, we’re content, etc.

A few people, though, look at the world and see opportunities for change and improvement everywhere they look. If they put their minds to it, like these 10 people did, they can end up making the world better for the rest of us, too.

10. No more staring at the bald spot in front of you.

I hope there’s nice scenery, though.

9. It’s such a little thing.

It helps SO much, though.

8. I can’t imagine a better way to kill some time.

Even if it’s just a refresher!

7. This might drive me nuts.

But I get why it’s a great idea.

6. Because we’re not all scientists.

In fact, most of us aren’t.

5. So handy!

My glasses wearers know what’s up.

4. The accommodation is so nice.

No fuss, no muss. As long as you don’t lose your card.

3. No more putting your bag on the dirty floor.

I move that all chairs be made like this immediately.

2. Because sometimes you feel like watching people…

And sometimes you don’t.

1. Cuts down on waste!

You have to actually go to the store to refill it, though…

I’m just flabbergasted by how elegantly simple the majority of these solutions are. So cool. We need these kinds of things in the US as soon as possible!

Have you ever seen something like in the wild? Tell us about it in the comments!

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