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11 Children of Strict Parents Share the Weirdest Rules They Had Growing Up

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All parents are different, but one of the things most of us have in common is that we truly attempt to do what we think is best for our kids.

Now, some of us might be wrong, according to child psychologists and the like, and the fact that we were well meaning isn’t going to mean a whole heck of a lot in the end, but I mean. There you go.

These 11 people had super strict parents growing up, and looking back, they can see that some of their house’s rules were just plain strange.

11. They saved you there.

No one should have to watch Barney.

Image Credit: The Chive

10. Do shorts make you rowdy?

Asking for me.

Image Credit: The Chive

9.  Fluff!

I’m going to use that one just for fun.

Image Credit: The Chive

8. 24 hours is a lot to ask of teenagers.

Especially a group of them.

Image Credit: The Chive

7. This sounds like an 80s dad.

They’re a special brand.

Image Credit: The Chive

6. Were those things related?

I’m not sure how they would be.

Image Credit: The Chive

5. Because…not seeing is the answer?

This seems like borderline abuse tbh.

Image Credit: The Chive

4. Dang. Strict parents AND misogyny.

That’s a lot to shake off in college.

Image Credit: The Chive

3. It’s good to be prepared.

You never know when the apocalypse will arrive, after all.

Image Credit: The Chive

2. I think those are normal?

I guess i’m going to be a strict parent. *shrug*

Image Credit: The Chive

1. She knew they would get it eventually.

This is actually pretty generous.

Image Credit: The Chive

Wow. My parents were somewhere in the middle, I think.

Every house had some strange rule though, right? Share yours in the comments!

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