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12 Kids Who Are a Bit Too Smart for Their Own Good

There’s a natural order to things, when it comes to kids and parents. The parents are supposed to be smarter, and therefore able to maintain control, at least for several years while the kids are still living at home.

Usually, since parents have more experience in life and all of that, this order remains, but listen – some kids, like these 12, are just a little too smart for their own good.

12. When you’ve just got to take your truck in the tub.

It’s necessary. Ask any boy child ever.

11. Kids and their pranks.

I guess this is what you get for buying those countertops.

10. This belongs in a museum.

It’s a slice of life, really.

9. This kid is going places in life.

Seriously, he could probably sell these.

8. They have outsmarted the cat.

For now.

7. Cake is life.

It’s a lesson most of us learn at a young age.

6. Preparing to be a dad one day, I see.

It’s a long way off, but it takes time to develop a-level puns.

5. It’s all about confidence.

Dads have perhaps too much, but I digress.

4. Kids like these keep it interesting.

I honestly love it.

3. The teacher was onto it.

They always are.

2. Fancy means different things to different people.

At least everyone still looks amazing.

1. It really was right there.

She pounced on it, though.

Kids, y’all. What are you gonna do about it?

Has your kid ever pulled something like this on you? Tell us the story in the comments!

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