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12 People Respond to a Sign Telling Them They’re in a “Silly Walking” Zone

©Liz Koto

Everyone is looking for ways to amuse themselves these days, and I have to say, one of the positives that has come out of all of this madness is our willingness to connect with our friends and neighbors in new and creative ways.

For Michigander Liz Koto and her family, that meant recreating a sketch from a Monty Python show called “The Ministry of Silly Walks.”

The sketch centers around a minister with a peculiar way of walking and Liz told Bored Panda that the idea of poking fun at the inefficiency of government particularly appealed to her.

She and her family posted a sign near the sidewalk in front of their house that read: “You have now entered the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Silly Walks. Commence silly walking immediately.”

Photo Credit: Liz Koto

And though I’m sure many people rolled their eyes and ignored it, they got some super fun participation – see below for silly-walk-inspired laughs!

12. A for effort.

And also for those bunny-hopping quads.

11. It’s a good start, sir.

I think he was expecting some applause.

10. This one is just so joyful!

Be freeeeee, walkers!

9. A whole family affair.

The family that silly walks together, stays together.

8. They had to coordinate ahead of time.

I love the team efforts.

7. These two went for totally opposite approaches.

The dog is a disappointment, though.

6. This dog has no idea what’s going on.

Neither do I, but I like it.

5. Those are some Dick Van Dyke-level moves.

Step in time, my friends.

4. Talk about being prepared.

And also, imagine having this in your closet at home.

3. This woman is nice for leaving a note.

She didn’t follow the instructions, though.

2. Girls just wanna have fun.

Lame, dude. Lame.

1. I love the people who go back to do it right.

And make sure someone is filming it, too.

I just love humans when they forget about looking cool or mature or whatever!

How would you have walked?

Are you going to steal the idea?

Let’s all do it!

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