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14 Adorable Images of a Little Boy Who Copies His Model Uncle’s Images

Image Credit: The Baby and the Body/Instagram

My favorite stories are the ones about families who love having fun together. They troll each other, they laugh with each other, and most importantly, they share those jokes with the internet.

This family, which consists of a boy named Augie, his mom, and his uncle – who is a model – have been longtime favorites. Since he was a baby, Augie has been dressing up like his uncle and copying his poses, which was super cute when he was little.

Now that he’s a bit older, his mom says he’s enjoying being more involved in choosing the photos he copies, and is better at mimicking his uncle’s poses, too.

Which means there’s more for us to enjoy, and these 13 images are a perfect example of why we just can’t get enough.

14. Show me those muscles.

They’re both so serious.

13. At least he’s not picking his nose.

Or maybe that would have been too funny.

12. The ones where they’re smiling are the best.

Also they both have really good hair.

11. They both look cool and casual.

They should hit the beach together.

10. The pose. The socks.

It’s just. *chef’s kiss*

9. This one just makes me laugh.

I bet Augie wishes he had a real motorcycle.

8. Those are some sweet Caps.

As though there’s any other kind.

7. The pure joy.

They look so much alike when they smile.

6. Do they have the same socks?

That’s going the extra mile.

5. A real side-by-side.

I dare you not to smile.

4. I honestly think the kid wore it better.

He’s going places.

3. Wow, that’s one strong kid.

My brain is struggling.

2. Why is this one so adorable?

I think it’s the glasses. I’m a sucker for glasses.

1. Oh my goodness that sweet Augie smile.

And I guess the uncle is ok, too.

I mean, is there anything as funny and sweet and adorable as this Instagram account? I say no.

If you’ve got someone or something to nominate, though, please attempt to sway me in the comments!

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