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14 Picky Eater Memes Every Parent Will Recognize

If you’re a parent, there’s a good chance that you’ve lived with a picky eater at some point in your life. Kids all go through phases where only a couple of foods are “good,” but hopefully, they grow out of it and become more adventurous with age.

We know, of course, from having friends of significant others (or being picking eaters ourselves) that’s not always the case, though – so no matter what your picky eater situation is, these memes are going to strike at the heart of it.

14. No wonder our parents were always mad.

Were there pizza rolls in the freezer, though?

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

13. To be fair, this can be true.

I don’t think with mushrooms, though.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

12. They’re pretty inoffensive.

But they are green, so it could go either way.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

11. This is the most frustrating thing about kids.

They will literally eat anything except the dinner you slaved over.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

10. Surely they know this about you.

Or maybe they’re not really your friends?

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

9. My 4yo could have written this.

If you could write, I mean.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

8. The sad truth.

It’s not really fun for anyone.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

7. I admit that textures can be off-putting.

Jell-O, for example.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

6. Every last time.

Why don’t they all just realize no matter how good the chef, Kraft is where it’s at?

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

5. The low-key panic.


Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

4. It’s a sad state of affairs.

But you know who you invited along.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

3. You might some day.

I like to say that just to get the reaction.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

2. Such a huge win.

Hold onto those good days.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

1. Those cookies are an abomination.

The rest are objectively yummy.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

As a not picky eater, can I just say…it’s so hard not to be annoyed. Ha!

What are some of your parenting strategies for getting kids to try new things? Share them in the comments!

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