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16 Posts About Entitled Kids That Might Make You Feel Better About Yours

Entitlement is one of the toughest areas of parenting to navigate for some of us. We want to give our kids all of the things we wanted but our parents couldn’t afford – and we want them to be able to be kids, and not worry about things like money.

That said, we have to balance that with teaching them about personal responsibility and the value of a dollar, and to realize that not everyone gets exactly what they want exactly when they ask for it.

These 16 parents might be leaning a little too hard into the first part, to be honest, because their kids are sounding more than a bit entitled.

16. Addiction is real.

Probably best not to start it in first grade.

15. What on EARTH.

The fact that they’re filming it should be handy for small claims court.

14. She really had to ask AITA?

It blows my mind there are kids out there who don’t know this answer.

13. Most kids would be done after one.

I mean, I guess I could see TWO because you really think he learned his lesson but FIVE?

12. That’s not how any of this works.

Talk about adding insult to injury.

11. This makes me so sad for his parents.

And also kind of sick to my stomach tbh.

10. I would have bee mortified.

And I for sure would have paid for it.

9. At least he realizes what he raised?

He still seems a bit confused about his role in it, though.

8. “I couldn’t say no to my kid.”

Could she wave more of a red flag?

7. I’m not a fan of violence.

But I feel it in my heart right now.

6. OK well no gifts for you.

ou asked for it!

5. This is fairly epic.

It does take a village, they say.

4. I really hope the joke ended up being on her.

Her dad needs to grow a backbone for sure.

3. She bought herself a car with her own money that she earned herself?

HOW DARE I guess.


I mean I agree about the Little Caesar’s, though.

1. I bet his parents are sorry he learned to read.

I would have bought it and then driven straight to the nearest donation bin and chucked it in.

I sincerely hope these kids grow out of this attitude, and I’m crossing my fingers mine never act like this around strangers.

Because woof.

How do you strike this balance with your kids? We’d love to hear all of your tricks in the comments!

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