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20 Memes That Are Meant For Moms

When you become a mom, you join a club that’s not exactly exclusive, but it is very specific. We’re all different, we parent differently, we have different beliefs and different kids, but the experience of motherhood is still universal, at least to a point.

If you’re wanting to feel like you’re really part of the club today, here are 20 memes that moms should love.

20. Embarrassing your kids is one of the best parts of parenting.

I’m just saying.

Image Credit: Funny Being

19. You have to wonder…

You can’t just take this stuff at face value.

Image Credit: Funny Being

18. You son will never win.

Until the day that he does.

Image Credit: Funny Being

17. At least he actually sees something.

It’s 50/50 when they say MOM whether or not it’s something or nothing.

Image Credit: Funny Being

16. A little bit of everything.

With no one to lean on every day.

Image Credit: Funny Being

15. I would love to live with my mom still.

I don’t know how she feels about it, but…

Image Credit: Funny Being

14. Ahhh, isn’t object permanence fun?

I love how easy it is to entertain babies.

Image Credit: Funny Being

13. You sure talk to her a lot.

And sometimes she doesn’t even answer. Rude.

Image Credit: Funny Being

12. Bless their heart.

They really thought this would work.

Image Credit: Funny Being

11. They all have one.

You know you’ve done messed up.

Image Credit: Funny Being

10. Moms are on it.

There can be no doubt about that.

Image Credit: Funny Being

9. There is literally nothing better.

I will always love the smell of meatloaf cooking.

Image Credit: Funny Being

8. I just squealed at the cute.

I’m not proud, y’all.

Image Credit: Funny Being

7. Seriously keep it to yourself.

Even if we ask.

Image Credit: Funny Being

6. I’ll leave this without comment.

Laugh if that’s your thing.

Image Credit: Funny Being

5. Honestly it depends on the day.

But it’s usually a mix of most of these things.

Image Credit: Funny Being

4. If you know you know.

But you really wish you didn’t.

Image Credit: Funny Being

3. Bribery works.

It might not be the best parenting but it works.

Image Credit: Funny Being

2. We all know at least one.


Image Credit: Funny Being

1. It’s a sad day, ladies.

But it happens to the best of us.

Image Credit: Funny Being

These definitely gave me a chuckle.

Tell us in the comments which one you loved the most!

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