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‘Live From Snacktime’ Provides the Wholesome Internet Content You Didn’t Know You Needed

©Live From Snacktime

Teacher Alyssa Cowit never failed to be entertained by her young students as they chatted with each other during free time. She figured that other people might feel the same, and so worked with Greg Dunbar, a digital marketing manager with Walt Disney Studios, to create Live From Snacktime.

The quotes from the children on there will make you want to fistbump them in solidarity, to laugh out loud, to hug the crap out of them, and pretty much every emotion in between.

Here are 15 of my favorites.

15. Agreed. It’s already made and everything!

14. If you follow her meaning.

13. You’ll have to try again tomorrow.

12. Amen, child. Amen.

11. Someone is a quick learner.

10. Pasta deserves nothing less than our full attention.

9. I feel this deep in my soul.

8. And you can’t even have a drink while you do it.

7. A reason to celebrate, for sure.

6. Me, every night at 8 pm.

5. That is actually a deeply sick burn.

4. I am here for this mood.

3. This is a serious question.

2. You are not the first person to feel this way.

1. I mean. At least.

Make sure to follow the Instagram, Twitter, and/or Facebook feeds for more – you know you want to!

What’s the best thing your kid has ever said? Do you document the gems somehow?

Tell us in the comments!

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