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Mom Wants to Know if She’s Wrong to Not Support Daughter’s Dream of Being Stay-At-Home Mom

Most parents know that the surest way to convince their teenage children to do something is to tell them you don’t approve. They tend to be obstinate, to think they know best (even though they don’t), and they definitely don’t want to think their parents are smart at all.

In the case of this mom, she’s dealing with a teenage daughter who doesn’t want to make any contingency plans in case her dream of being a stay-at-home mom doesn’t happen – or you know, doesn’t happen as soon as she expects.

Image Credit: Reddit

The daughter replied that the backup plan was moving back in with her parents (the grandparents) and figuring it out from there.

She refused to listen to reason, like what might happen if her parents weren’t up to the job – or heaven forbid, weren’t around.

Image Credit: Reddit

The mother reiterated that she needs to do something while she’s husband hunting – she swears she isn’t pushing college, but insists her daughter make money somehow and have a trade.

The daughter, for her part, insists finding a husband will be her full time job and figured she’d live at home (rent free) until that happened.

Image Credit: Reddit

Which is when, I assume, Mom snapped, telling her she most certainly would not be sponging off her parents with no plans to be able to support herself, not ever.

Image Credit: Reddit

The daughter is angry, but Mom thinks it’s her job as a parent to make sure her daughter will be safe and supported and be able to take care of any future children without depending on others.

So, is she wrong?

The internet largely says no, and that the mother was just doing her job.

Image Credit: Reddit

Also, that girl is entitled, italics necessary.

Image Credit: Reddit

Others pointed out that perhaps convincing her to go to college or trade school might work if she pointed out that she had no idea how to, you know, take care of children.

Image Credit: Reddit

Someone suggested she check out r/relationshipadvice and check out all of the women who are in bad situations, with their kids, but have nowhere to go because they have no skills or way to support themselves.

Image Credit: Reddit

There were many who spoke from experience.

Image Credit: Reddit

The consensus was that not only was the mom not being a jerk, she was telling her daughter what she needs to hear – and that if something doesn’t change, this whole situation could be a recipe for disaster.

What say you? Drop your thoughts in the comments!

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