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Someone Needs to Explain These 14 Pregnancy Cravings


I personally didn’t have as many cravings as I did aversions during my two pregnancies, but they are common among pregnant women everywhere.

Salty foods, sweet foods, pickles, weird combinations of the above or just really gross stuff like Taco Bell…we’ve heard about late-night runs by husbands everywhere.

These 14 cravings, though, I don’t know. I’m going to need explanations.

14. I just threw up in my mouth.

13. That avocado doesn’t even want any part of it.

12. Spinach dip would have been better.

11. I actually don’t think pickles and eggs would be terrible.

10. Please, one at a time.

9. Sweet and salty, okay, but the chocolate is a step too far.

8. My brain doesn’t even want to imagine this.

7. Italian people everywhere are clutching their pearls.

6. Bet she’s from the Midwest, where ranch is a food group.

5. Charred toast is not a flavor.

4. This is the weirdest one on the list.

3. Are you sure that’s cheese?

2. You gotta have the crunch, I guess.

1. I know I’m supposed to be judging, but I would eat these.

I’m actually glad none of these happened to me because I think it would make me sick just looking back on it!

Did you have any strange cravings?

We want to hear all about them in the comments!

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