I sometimes think that entitlement is one of the biggest problems in our society these days. Too many think someone owes them something, even though my parents always taught me the exact opposite – no one on this planet owes you anything at all, no matter what you’ve done for them first.

These 15 people seem to prove my point, because even though they claim to be adults, they behave even worse than my demanding toddlers.

15. Did she not…ask for a cat sitter?

And also, that cat probably wants some alone time.

Image Credit: Reddit

14. Not such a savvy traveler.

Those are some massively wrong expectations.

Image Credit: Reddit

13. I’m guessing they had an agreement.

You cannot pull a fast one after you shake hands.

Image Credit: Reddit

12. The heart emoji slayed me.

Simple and sweet.

Image Credit: Reddit

11. I can’t eat exposure for dinner, friend.

It also doesn’t pay my mortgage.

Image Credit: Reddit

10. I think something might have been lost in translation.

But either way, no exchange was going to happen.

Image Credit: Reddit

9. Did your scam radar just go off?

Mine is blaring.

Image Credit: Reddit

8. I don’t even pay $100 to my actual hairdresser.

Anyone who answered this might have had a death wish.

Image Credit: Reddit

7. Man I would be so mad if I was already there.

The answer then is FOR SURE no.

Image Credit: Reddit

6. Is that…relevant?

I’m guessing alcohol was involved. Or at least I hope it was.

Image Credit: Reddit

5. I don’t think that’s illegal.

Call away, my friend. Also, f*ck off.

Image Credit: Reddit

4. She’s going to have an interesting rest of her trip.

At least, I hope she is.

Image Credit: Reddit

3. Definitely murder.

No one would convict me, either.

Image Credit: Reddit

2. Those leaves can be surprises.

This one just cracked me up.

Image Credit: Reddit

1. Does this tactic actually work?

It can’t, right?

Image Credit: Reddit


I have no idea how I would have handled these people, but it might not have been very kind.

Have you run into someone like this? What’s your rule for dealing with them? Tell me your secrets in the comments!