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This Book About a Boy Who Loves Ballet Hopes to Make Artsy Boys Feel Seen

Image Credit: Random House Children's Books

In some ways, our society has come a long way from the traditional gender roles and expectations that dominated our grandparents, and even our parents, generations. More and more names are unisex, dads stay at home while women go to work, everyone shares in the housework and childrearing, etc.

That said, we have a long ways to go in some ways, too, as the workload at home isn’t really even close to actually equal, the lgbtq continually has to fight for their rights, and yes, traditional gender expectations still reign supreme in much of the world.

For instance, it’s still more common for girls to want to take a ballet class than boys – and the boys who do follow their interests into a ballet studio might find themselves teased for doing so.

Which is exactly the load of bull that author John Robert Allman hopes his book, Boys Dance!can help to change.

Allman, a lifelong New Yorker, says his love of the stage inspired him to tackle the topic, and in his mind, the book will give boys who enjoy dancing in general – and ballet in particular – an opportunity to feel seen.With sweet illustrations by Luciano LozanoBoys Dance! is, for Allman, a chance to “make sure that boys would be able to see dance as something they can – and should – get into if they want to.”

Using rhymes and couplets, the book explains how studying dance can boost physical health, as well as academic and athletic skills, all while acknowledging how stars like Savion Glover and Gene Kelly defined eras and influenced modern styles.

A 2019 Good Morning America controversy, in which host Lara Spencer mocked little Prince George for enrolling in ballet, also convinced Allman the book was needed.

Spencer later apologized, but #BoysDanceToo, and support from dancers Robbie Fairchild and Travis Wall, had already come to the defense of boys everywhere who love to dance.

Image Credit: Random House Children’s Books

James B. Whiteside, who is featured in Boys Dance!, and who is a principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre, spoke with HuffPost about his own frustrations.

“Homophobia is at the root of the bullying of boys in ballet. It doesn’t even matter if you’re actually gay, it just matters that you seem gay, just by doing ballet …This book will teach kids that their love of ballet has nothing to do with anything other than loving ballet.”

A nice sentiment, and a necessary one as kids once again are set free from restrictions and are able to pursue their dreams.

Dreams that shouldn’t be sidelined because of an antiquated view of what “real” boys should and should not do.

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