Parenting is tough and we all need help sometimes – even if we’ve read the books and articles and asked our parents and friends for advice, those kids can just beat us at every turn when we least expect it.

That said, be careful about crowdsourcing strangers online for advice, because chances are you’re going to get more than you bargained for…and probably not in a good way.

Of course, if you’re looking for a laugh, then carry on. We all need that to get through our days as parents, too.

An anonymous dad who posted the question below on Life of Dad, a Facebook page dedicated to helping guy get through fatherhood, learned his lesson, I’m guessing.

“Our 15-month-old has started to hit us with his hand and headbutt us. How can we teach him that’s not the right thing to do? I think to him it’s a joke or something. Any advice?”

I also hope he had a few laughs over these responses, because some of them are comedy gold.

Sadly, it won’t be long until these are options.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Nurture his true self. There’s nothing else you can do.

Photo Credit: Facebook

The old ways are the best ways.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Practical advice from a man who sounds as if he’s been there.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Advice from human parents only, please.

Photo Credit: Facebook

If you can’t beat em…protect yourself!

Photo Credit: Facebook

It works with everything else these days.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Yes. Please try this, and video his response.

Photo Credit: Facebook

That’s one position to take.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Sweep the leg.

Photo Credit: Facebook

I feel like some of these might actually work!

Godspeed, sir. I see a bloody nose and/or black eye in your future. They’re badges of honor, so wear them proudly.