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This ‘Sesame Street’ PSA Reminds Parents to Be Kind to Themselves

Image Credit: YouTube

Parents are used to being worried, stressed, and stretched a bit too thin. It’s part of the job description, and it doesn’t disappear or even abate from the time you find our your kiddo is on the way until…maybe not ever.

That said, the circumstances we’re all dealing with right now – worry over a novel sickness, trying to keep our jobs while working from home, but still pay adequate attention to our children and maybe even enrich their lives while we attempt to help with schoolwork in our “spare” time?

It’s a lot, and parents everywhere are feeling more than a bit frazzled as we try to figure out how to balance it all.

Sesame Street sees you, parents, and they have your back with a new PSA that’s part of their Caring for Each Other initiative. With it, they hope to “help families stay physically and mentally healthy” as our lives continue to be changed on a daily basis.

Photo Credit: YouTube

The initiative provides resources for things like proper hand-washing and more than 100 free e-books families can read together, along with endless other things that can help you get through the days.

And they’re not just focused on helping kids, either.

The CDC has warned that the current outbreak could lead to increased stress levels among the general public, and without the ability to be outdoors, to have our normal routines, to worry even more about the health of our families, and not having physical support from friends and family, Sesame Street understands that we’re all a bit on edge.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Their PSA, then, reminds parents to “take a moment for yourself, to breathe, stretch, whatever you need to keep being your best self.”

In the video, Elmo’s dad Louie needs to step away from a needy little Elmo to breathe for just a minute. Then, he addresses the camera.

“It is wonderful to be able to spend so much time with our children, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. So I just wanted to say, parents, you’re doing an amazing job. Remember, though, it’s important to take some time for yourself. Take care of you. Listen to your favorite song, stretch, or just take a moment to breathe.”

The breathing exercise is useful for everyone when confronted with something ELSE your child has done or needs, I promise.

The Washington Post says that we’re all experiencing a “nationwide psychological trauma,” so remember to be kind to yourselves.

It’s a well-worn analogy, but you should listen. If your cup is empty there’s nothing to pour out for your children or anyone else, so remember to take a few minutes every day to make sure you’re at least halfway full.

And like Louie, take a few deep breaths before you dive back into the melee. It does make a difference.

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