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Was This Mom Wrong for Dismissing the Principal’s Punishment and Taking Her Daughter Out for a Day of Fun Instead?

Image Credit: Pexels/Reddit

When you read the headline of the AITA (Am I The A**hole) submission, most of us probably feel like we’re about to take the side of The Man. Parents are notoriously entitled these days, and so are their kids, and in general, they take the words of their precious darlings over school leadership far too often.

But hang on, though, because this is the story of a girl who is only 7. She felt sick in class and tried to run to the bathroom (she didn’t make it) to avoid puking in the classroom.

Image Credit: Reddit

The principal said she was in trouble for leaving the room without permission and would have to miss the field trip later that week.

Mom pushed back, because she’s just a kid and who doesn’t try their best to get to a bathroom if they’re going to throw up, but to no avail.

Image Credit: Reddit

Mom took the daughter out on a field trip of her own, to the movies and the amusement park.

She only wondered if she’d been wrong when her daughter’s father got upset with her for “undermining” the principal.

Image Credit: Reddit

Now, is she the a**hole?

Most people say no, definitely not – some even wondering how this post could be real.

Image Credit: Reddit

All were firmly on the side of the mother v principal question.

Image Credit: Reddit

Others think she’s just proved what a great mom she is, letting her daughter know she has her back.

Image Credit: Reddit

And at least the daughter learned a lesson.

Image Credit: Reddit

Many people thought she’d actually shown some restraint in her handling of things.

Image Credit: Reddit

I have to agree with the commenters here – I’m not sure I would have been so passive aggressive as opposed to aggressive aggressive!

What about you? Tell us in the comments where you come down on this one.

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