Learning how to tease someone gently, so that no one feels like the butt of a mean joke and everyone is willing to laugh, is a skill that takes time – and one that most of us learn from watching our parents.

Then comes the day when we turn those skills around on our parents, and I’ve got to think that’s it’s a day filled with a mixture of pride and annoyance.

You know, like most days of parenting.

These 10 kids have reached that hilarious milestone, so I hope their parents are celebrating!

10. Bless.

I cannot stop laughing at this, possibly forever.


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A post shared by Kyle Randolph (@kydolph)

9. Honestly this is a solid strategy.

I might try it out later today.


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A post shared by Pulptastic 🍊 (@pulptastic)

8. Don’t go crazy!!

Oh my goodness this is amazing.


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A post shared by Melanie MacDonald (@kidcrazyfun101)

7. She’s got her glass of wine and everything.

A very realistic artist rendering I would guess.


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A post shared by Alessa Delgado (@alessadel)

6. She’s better at math than spelling.

But she’s great at making you laugh.

5. She sets the value of her own teeth, ma’am.

Don’t try to shortchange her.


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A post shared by Tretha (@tretha_conaway)

4. I mean…

I don’t even know what to say about this one. Ha!

3. You can read the explanation if you want.

But it’s honestly funnier if you don’t.


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A post shared by Amanda Dillon (@amanda.id)

2. She has weaponized her toys.

They might have a supervillain on their hands.

1. It’s probably true.

Kid has not trouble with self-esteem!


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A post shared by Crystal Reece (@geeky_crystal)

I honestly can’t wait until my kids are old enough to tease and have them get it.

What’s the funniest burn your kids have given you? Share it with us in the comments!