Parenting is one of those things that you don’t fully grasp until you’re in the thick of it – and when it’s way too late to get out. Ha!
If you’re a parent, we think you’re going to really get (and love) these 11 tweets from parents just like you…maybe just a bit funnier though, eh?
11. Every. Single. Time.
Don’t let them talk you into stocking up on anything. It will be wasted.
10. They should get that, right?
If you think that, you’d be wrong.
9. Why is this so accurate?
Trash day is now one of your favorite days.
8. How dare you not bring snacks in your bag.
They expect that, the little heathens.
7. Hahahah we were so cute, right?
I have no idea how people parented without screens.
6. They also take turns tattling on each other.
And wetting (but not using) the toothbrushes.
5. When they can tell you hate it.
Yes, I’m being serious.
4. Not always on purpose.
Something always smells weird (and if you have pets, that goes double).
3. They will lick everything.
If they like it, nothing is safe.
2. What’s the alternative?
Asking for reasons.
1. One day they will have questions.
The good news is, you have a few years to come up with the answers.
It’s a wild ride, y’all, but at least we’re on it together. Give your fellow parents a high-five, a smile, or a knowing look the next time a kid is melting down in the checkout, eh?
Which of these are you going to pass along to a friend? Let us know in the comments!