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11 Dads Who Know Just How to Make Everything All Better

Image Credit: Reddit

Dads get a lot of flack for just being the fun parent, and for slacking off around the house or like, endangering our kids’ lives when they throw them into the air, but here’s the thing.

They have awesome skills, too.

Dads give great pep talks, they’re the best wrestlers, they love things like remote control cars, and when you’re down, they really do know how to coax loose a smile.

And if you need proof, look no further than these 11 awesome fathers.

11. Bless his heart.

He printed it and everything.

10. I have the feeling he’s about to get a lot of requests.

Kids are expensive, you know?

9. Are they…heat lamps? Or?

I have made a similar mistake, but not quite so… large.

8. I don’t know whether to laugh or just be deeply uncomfortable.

I suppose both is an option.

7. He just doesn’t want you to forget where you came from.


Image Credit: Twitter

6. Well, this is awkward.

I’m not sure it can be undone, either.

5. I’m guessing the dad is going to think that’s way funnier than the kid.

Unless there’s a real one hiding out somewhere.

4. He. Has. A. Reminder.

You definitely don’t want to forget.

12. Beautiful.

Really says “home for Christmas,” doesn’t it?

2. There’s a learning curve.

Which provides some pretty funny moments for everyone else.

1. I mean it is annoying when you pick it up wrong.

But that’s what, a five second correction?

Image Credit: Reddit

My own dad was a peach, so I’m always down for giving a shout out to the good ones!

What’s something you love about your dad, or about the father of your kiddos? Share it with us in the comments!

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