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12 Pets Who Are Living the Good Life Show Off in the “How It Started, How It’s Going” Challenge

Image Credit: Twitter

There’s not much more satisfying in seeing positive changes in someone–or something–you love. And in the case of animals, that goes for every single one of us, even if it’s not our pets.

If you’ve been enjoying the “how it started” vs. “how it’s going” challenge that’s popping up everywhere online, the happy pet edition just might be your new favorite.

12. That is one unimpressed cat.

I love it.

11. Bigger pupper.

Same dubious expression.

10. A slow road but it will be worth it!

One day at a time.


His judgemental expression is killing me.

8. His name is perfection.

Just imagine yelling that outside.

7. That puppy face holy crap.

They’re closer than ever.

6. Such a happy pooch.

The wonders of a bath and a year of love.

5. So skinny at first.

What a good boi.

4. His expression has hardly changed.

His coat is beautiful!

3. Still best buds.

And still such a handsome guy.

2. Labs are the best.

Just sweetness incarnate.

1. Soooo teeny.

That hound dog face is the best.

I actually love most of the angels of this challenge, but there’s just something amazing at seeing a content pupper or kitty at home, don’t you think?

Did you rescue your pet? If so, tell us in the comments how you knew they were the one!

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