I know there are some people in the world who have terrible dads, or absent dads (or both), but for me, knowing those crappy pops exist out there makes me treasure my good father all the more.
Anyone can father a child, but as you’ll clearly see from these 16 “rad dads,” it takes a special kind of man to show up day after day, year after year, and continue to be amazing.
16. I can’t stop thinking how much money that costs.
Hopefully this guy had a ride home.
15. You can’t be late for the airport.
If you’re not six hours early, you’re late.
14. He definitely needs new friends.
This was a classic line that went unappreciated!
13. No ribs left behind.
I’m so happy he saved the kids, though. Ha!
12. All guys everywhere will flock to this picket line.
No matter how lazy….
11. I’m not a fanny pack person…
But he’s pretty much rocking that look.
10. Why would she even ask this?
Let the man live!
9. They just love to mow lawns.
I have no idea why.
8. That’s called bonding, mom.
I bet they’re brothers and best friends.
7. This is very good advice.
You know you don’t want to move your own stuff, either.
6. Don’t you know what’s happening today?
We cannot be late, children!
5. Not a cheap gift these days, either.
This boy has a head on his shoulders.
4. This is so cool.
I might need to commission a local artist.
3. Better than the Farmer’s Almanac.
Dad’s zipper pants know.
2. Why are dads so evil?
I’m not sure, but we all still love them.
1. Why is this picture so disturbing?
Why can’t I stop looking at it?
See what I mean? Hat’s off to all of those great dads out there – keep showing up!
Tell us your favorite story about your dad in the comments!