Nothing says parenting like needing to hide from your kids, even if it’s only for 5 minutes of peace. The closet, the bathroom, the guest room, the basement – I’ve tried them all, and let me tell you, none of them are safe.

Your spot should last long enough for you to snarf some Oreos and scroll through this list of 12 funny parenting memes, though, and there’s no way you’ll regret doing either of those things.

12. Every ritual and routine isn’t for everyone.

Some of us are just trying to survive, here.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

11. And no one will laugh at a kid.


Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

10. Always ask them to use it in a sentence.

Protip there. It will never let you down.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

9. Every last gray hair.

Also, how can you look younger if you never sleep?

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

8. He knows who he married.

You’ve gotta respect that.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

7. No better way to describe it.

Especially between the ages of 10-30.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

6. Also, no one else uses crayons.

They think we just fell off the turnip truck, I swear.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

5. It’s funny.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

It’s also extremely frustrating.

4. Anywhere but here.

Go bother the poor, tired, new mother.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

3. Just a little white lie.

That’s going to come back and bite you one day.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

2. Let’s go with that.

Bless her heart.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

1. There will be trouble if you don’t comply.

You might be accused of being a pod person.

Image Credit: Pleated-Jeans

See, don’t you feel ready to face those kids now and get on with your day?

If not, maybe just stay really quiet. That might buy you a couple more minutes. Good luck!