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These 12 Parenting Memes Will Tickle Your Funnybone

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

Parenting is hard, and it’s rewarding, but even on its worst days, it can be funny – and often, that last bit is what lets in a ray of light at just the right moment.

If you’re sitting in the dark right now – perhaps in your pantry shoving the last of the Oreos into your mouth while your kids write on the walls – these 12 memes are ready to let in a little light.

12. Your jeans from college are fine.

And who needs new underwear?

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Just assume if you’re tweeting with someone they’re taking a dump.

Not a pretty picture, but a true one.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Why is this so accurate?

Alms for the poor?

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

9. At least the masks are good for hiding our identities.

There’s an upside to everything.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

8. You will find exactly half of each pair they own.

I don’t make the rules, and we all have to play by them.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

7. All children do this.

It’s like they turn into ghouls in the middle of the night.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

6. This is definitely something I didn’t believe.

But it’s so, so true. Damn you, Grey’s Anatomy.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

5. Especially after you realize how easy it is to cut them.

Pro Tip: Use the scissors.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Anywhere, really.

But yeah, especially Target.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

3. You can only be the fun mom for so long.

That’s how you know when it’s time for them to go back to school.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Sure, you might feel a little bit bad.

But not bad enough to take it with you.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

1. It’s a modern rite of passage.

RIP your iPhone storage.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

Get out of the pantry, mama. You need more Oreos.

Do you have to hide from your kids to eat snacks?

Tell us your best secret spots in the comments!

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