You can prepare yourself for many things before having children – how to diaper, how to nurse, what products to buy – but there’s truly no way to prepare yourself for what it’s like to actually parent a small human.

They can’t talk, and when they can, they can’t really express themselves all that well. You’re exhausted all the time, they’re crying…but I guess sometimes when they do start talking, and you can understand them, you wish that wasn’t the case.

Because there’s no manual for what to do when they crawl around like that girl from The Ring, or sees monsters in the basement.

Image Credit: Reddit

Or, you know, casually informs you that he’s not him, he’s someone else instead.

Image Credit: Reddit

If you think the people in the comments are going to be in any way reassuring, well…they’re freaking out, too.

Even this guy, who used to crawl around weird himself thinks she’s got some reasons to worry.

Image Credit: Reddit

And this person, who does, indeed, think that is some creepy sh%t.

Image Credit: Reddit

This one made my stomach hurt, and it wasn’t even my kid.

Image Credit: Reddit

At least this one made me laugh. Through my tears.

Image Credit: Reddit

What do you make of this? Kids being weird? Something more? Something strange?

I wish we could have a followup in like, 20 years to see what came of it all, don’t you?

Let us know what you think in the comments. We love it when we hear from you!