There are never enough tweets about parenting, because not only are kids and parents constantly running into more and more funny scenarios, other parents never stop needing the reminder that we’re not in this alone.

So, without further ado, here are the tweets you came here for today!

11. We should strike this from the lexicon.

No one wants to hear it. Not ever. The end.

10. Kid knows where the good stuff comes from.

Snuggles and snacks. That’s the secret combo, yo!

9. Time does not matter.

It’s all a concept. Right? Isn’t that how it works?

8. We’re not supposed to cry.

At least not outside of the shower. But inside… totally fine!

7. Names don’t make sense.

But it’s funny to listen to them try. Oh… I hear mine trying now.

6. He can’t imagine anything stronger.

Bless his little heart. And his little mind. And his itty bitty, cold, dark soul.

5. Who is he trying to convince?

Is he Pinocchio? Are you Geppetto? Where’s that cricket?

4. This kid is my new favorite.

That’s my kind of hilarious!

3. Set the bar low.

And you’ll fly past it every day, all day.

2. So it shall be until the end of time.

There’s no escape. You’ll be finding those forever.

1. May the nursing home workers live in fear of that day.

It will be nice, though, because you just wont give AF, and that will be so freeing.


Take a deep breath, y’all, we’ve got this!

What’s your favorite recent parenting tweet? Share it with us in the comments!