17 Parents Reveal The Thing They’ll Never Tell Their Kids They Know About Them

I think that many parents have realized that the tighter you squeeze your control over your kids, the more likely they are to find the weak spots where they can slip through. More of us are going with parenting styles that involve, you know, trusting our kids and even – gasp – giving them privacy when they ask for it. That said,...

16 Adults Muse On The Childhood Warnings That Were Completely Exaggerated

When you’re a kid, it seems like someone is always telling you not to do something. They’re coming up with this big, dire warnings that are meant to scare you away from things adults think you’re not ready for and most of the time they work. Even so, when you look back on those warnings as adults they can definitely seem out of...

15 People Recall Big Childhood No-Nos That Turned Out To Be No Big Deal

When you’re small, adults are constantly warning you off of doing anything that seems, well, fun. As a parent, I think that my boys must think I’m always saying “be careful” or “don’t do that, you’ll get hurt,” and if you think about it, that doesn’t change much as they grow into teens –...

16 People Recall The Real Stumpers They’ve Heard From Kids

Some people think that kids aren’t very smart, or that they don’t spend time thinking about anything except snacks and video games, but anyone who has one knows the truth – they’re small humans, and their brains are pure and innocent and definitely work overtime. If you need more proof that they see the world differently...

17 People Share The Best Question They’ve Heard From A Child

You know that kids really do say the dardnest things – there was even a television show about it, so it must be true – and our own kids throw around comments every single day that make us stop and think. They might be funny, they might be deep, or they might give us a total existential crisis, but anyone who thinks kids don’t...

15 People Share What Everyone In Their School Will Remember Them For

Fame is fleeting during your school days, but most of us had at least five minutes for one thing or another – and it was definitely a toss-up whether we wanted it to last forever or couldn’t wait for everyone to move on. Me? I won Worst Driver for backing over someone’s foot in the parking lot. Good times. These 15 people are...

18 People Share The Thing They Were Famous For In School

When you’re a kid, everyone is “famous” for something. Whether it’s some weird body trick they can do, shooting milk through their nose at lunch, wetting their pants into elementary school, or something actually good, like being great at sports, we all had our “thing.” I have a theory that what that thing was...

11 Parents Who Want You To Feel Their Pain

People around the world might live their lives differently and might believe differently and parent differently, but if you’re a parent, there is a set of circumstances that you’re all too aware of, no matter the rest of it. Which means that when things go wrong, or something strikes you as funny, or your kids are on your very last...

10 Parents Who Know Exactly How You Feel

Are you worn out and using coffee to blindly stumble through your day? Do your nerves feel raw after being plucked all day by your toddler? Do you know way more than you ever wanted to about Fortnite ? If so, you’re exactly who needs to be reading this post, because these 10 parents know exactly how you feel – and personally, knowing...

12 Parents Dish On The Strange Things Their Kids Love

Kids are a lot of things, some of them at once, and they go hard every single day of the week – but one thing they all are is weird. They say weird stuff, they act like little freaks half of the time, and yeah, they totally get obsessed with the strangest things all on their own. If you’ve got kids, you could probably answer this...

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